B.O. - Tooele Depot

Monday, March 29, 2010

I decided to devote part of my spring break to scoping out my chosen bug out location. Tooele is a rough beauty. With the high mountains at its back, small populations, strategically placed army depot and the salt-filled lake at its front, it makes a stunning and smart bug out location.

[Tooele Terrain]

[Tooele Depot]

After rambling through the land for the better part of the day, I felt as if I were one with the land. No really, none of my companions could find me for hours I blended in so well. Knowing your location and what to expect there is impairative to successfully bugging out. You've heard me say this before, I know, but just goes to show how important this bit of advice is. Know before you go, save H20, burn this motto into your brains and you just may keep them from being eaten!

Homework: Think this motto over and over again until it because a way of life.
Next Week: Log 8: Bug Out Check List

Log 7: Begin the Bug Out

Monday, March 15, 2010

Bug out is when you have to leave your bug in location. This could be for a number of reasons: depleted supplies, vicious bandits, unrepairable breach, etc. Any way that you look at it, a bug out plan is a must have for surviving the apocalypse. The First step is to find a location! Mine is Tooele. There are three factors to said location.

  • Near an Army Depot
  • Back towards mountains
  • Bug out bail location ( Antelope Island)
  • Restricted entry and exits 
  • Small population

Homework: scope out of your bug out location and give it a test run.
Next Week: Log 8: Supply and Demand.

Log 6: D2D Bug In

Monday, March 8, 2010

Sorry for the delay in this weeks log, there were rumors of an outbreak in the south. I had to investigate. On arrival I could feel something was wrong. I began to poke around very quietly. I didn't want to seem suspicious at all, just in case. On the second day, I finally learned that a small settlement had become "ill" and had been quarantined for the last week. Enough said. I return to my preparations.

Living Day to Day
This is the final step to bugging in. It is important to not only gather supplies and fortify, but to know how you will live from day to day. To better answer this question, I asked myself three more questions:
  •             How many people are in my group?
  •             What energy sources will I need?
  •             Where can I resupply?

 Question 1
In my group I plan to have a minimum of 9 people and 3 dogs, a small village in survival world! So for these people I need to ration food, water and medical supplies, it can't be an across the board ration either. I have to take into account medical conditions and calorie requirements.

For example, someone who is out looting if going to need more calories than someone who is spinning yarn all day. I found a lovely little calculator here.

Question 2
I am going to need two sources of energy, fire and electricity. Fire is easy to come by so will be used most often. Wood and refuse from other houses can be used if the firewood supply runs low. Matches are to be preserved so flint will be our primary fire starter.

We will use limited electricity and will be powered by solar panels and an at home wind turbine. We will gather and guard generators jealously and only use them for emergencies.

Question 3
As mentioned before, I live near a few Walmart's. I am guessing these will be very dangerous because of the buildings size, clutter and low prices attracting people from all over. Besides Walmart, their are exactly 10 gas stations, 4 schools and 25 restaraunts within a 2-mile radius.

To get their, we will use an convoy of a motorcycle, a hybrid car (my neighbor has one, I am hoping to nab it), and on very large loots a small trailer pulled by the car.

My bug in is complete. Now to bug out!

Homework: plan how you will live day to day in bug in.
Next Week: Log 7:Beginning the Bug Out